Monday, May 19, 2008

I Guess I Will Begin...

I'm 6'3, 155 lbs. Some call me String Bean, Twig, Fatty (overly sarcastically), but plain and simple, I'm Skinny. I realize with my genes and how my body has been the past 20 years of my life, packing on weight is not going to happen (my metabolism is super charged with a Hemi engine). I will never be the buff dude in the gym or on the beach, or even the one on Abercrombie and Fitch billboard. I also will never be obese or overweight, it is physiologically impossible for me to get that way (i.e. my entire Spring Semester of Junior year in college I only ate Subway, McDonald's and pizza, yet never weighed more than 156 lbs at any given point). Therefore, my goal is not to become ripped, jacked, buff or burly, I just want to be Skinny Strong.

What is Skinny Strong? Well, simply put, its self-defining. I may not be packing on weight (maybe just a handful of pounds by the end of the summer), but I will be increasing my strength. I may not appear physically stronger, but I will be. I will still be skinny, but now I will be skinny and strong...or so I hope.

Why am I waiting until I just about turn 21 to start working out? I actually have not figured that out yet, except I have paid for a membership to the Cincinnati Athletic Club and I probably should use it for more than just a few games of basketball per week.

How am I going about this?
Well, I am not much for lifting weights, in fact I hate it. I do not know the proper techniques, nor do I care to learn them. I don't want to work with a trainer either. With that said, I am probably going to work a lot without equipment (situps, pushups, pullups, swimming, etc.). I will get most of my workouts online, combining things together until I feel satisfied with what I feel comfortable (or entertained) by doing.

Well, here goes nothing. Please, enjoy the may not last long.

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